Rail Transfer Carts

Rail transfer carts provide load transfer on a planned linear line in all kinds of industrial plants. The most important feature of these carts is to ensure that even the heaviest loads can be transported quickly and practically.

Rail transfer carts provide load transfer on a planned linear line in all kinds of industrial plants. The most important feature of these carts is to ensure that even the heaviest loads can be transported quickly and practically.

These vehicles, which have a load capacity of up to 1000 tons, are used in industrial facilities. They are used both for transportation of raw material and parts in production facilities and for providing practical transportation of final products in storage areas.

Rail Transfer Cart Models

Rail transfer carts are designed specially in order to provide the heavy load transportation service required by industrial plants in the most efficient way. Rail transfer carts generally work on a railway track installed in the plant or warehouse area. Rail transfer carts, which have a load capacity of up to 1000 tons, have different models based on the needs of the plants.

With their different models such as:

  • Wireless powered rail transfer carts,

  • Busbar powered transfer carts,

  • Cable drum transfer carts,

  • Battery powered rail transfer carts


Rail transfer carts are designed to meet all kinds of needs in a professional way. All these different models are analyzed in line with the needs of the businesses.